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Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

First day in Dalian, China

The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential.

waaaaa, I've never been china before, so I'm so excited !!! I went to Dalian at 30th June 2012. My family accompanied me to the airport. And good for me, because i'm not alone. I went to dalian with Diandra, another EP from Indonesia.
My parents accompanied me to the airport

To reach Dalian, I must transit in Ghuang Zhou. There is a thing that make me shocked. The security just asked me to open my suitcase, I was afraid because the security, didn't ask diandra to open the suitcase too, he just choose people randomly or maybe he was afraid of me, or think that I'm terrorist because I wear scarf. Oh pleaase don't do that, I'm moslem but it doesn't mean I'm a terrorist, but I just saw that problem in airport like a funny thing , because I can see how was the security's face when he found nothing in my suit case, haha he was so shy. And every eyes in the airport saw me, like saw very stranger people, haha but I just stay cool, just walk confidently. After I and diandra transitted to guangzhou, I went to dalian, and in dalian there are some aiesecers have waited for us. They are corona as a project leader of dare to dream, Ken from malaysia, Oscar from LC DUT, cheng yen from cambodja, michele from lc dut.
I took the picture, so I was not in that picture

 And after took a picture, I and corona went to my home stay. When I've arrived in the home stay, I just shocked , because it's out of my expectation, the apartment (my homestay) was very cool, it's a nice apartment. My host family gave me his son's room

And for the host family, I don't know to say what, they look so care with me, and very excited when I came to their apartment. And one thing that I'm very grateful is the wife and the husband,they both are doctors and they can speak english very well. Aaa, so grateful, how lucky I am !! And after I've a chit chat with my host fam, she asked me to have a shower, and tell me how to use it, her name is ms wang, she's very kind person. after that, I took wudhu, and prayed in my room without know the qibla  (forgive me my Allah)

1 komentar:

vitarahmi96 mengatakan...

Assalamualaikum Kak, saya mau tanya Kakak berangkatnya pake biaya sendiri atau ada sponsor? Kalo ada sponsor, boleh saya minta contoh proposalnya? Kalo boleh, tolong kirim ke email ya kak. Saya AIESECer juga kak, tahun depan mau ke India, terima kasih Kak :)